We are very happy that we received so many positive comments from you.
We have a lot of very nice answers about our first project, thank you again.
Some people are against what we do and show their bad emotions.
We agree, everyone has the right to express their own opinion, but this also applies to us.
People who hate us because we make fur should stop for a moment and read a simple explanation.
If you really love Mother Earth, read this, try to understand and ... start wearing natural furs. It will pay off for your health, the ecosystem, the environment and the whole world!
A recently published scientific study shows that natural fur is rapidly biodegradable even in landfill conditions, where the waste is stored without oxygen. On the other hand, artificial fur is not biodegradable at all.
European experts from the Organic Waste Systems laboratory in Gent, Belgium, investigated how real and artificial fur degrades under conditions that mimic closed storage sites, known as anaerobic biodegradation. The test, commissioned by IFF and Fur Europe, showed a partial breakdown of natural fur within 30 days, while the artificial fur showed no signs of breakdown.
Samples tested included mink fur, fox fur, dyed mink fur, dyed fox fur and artificial fur. Researchers also looked at the average biodegradability of many natural products and found that real fur degrades at the same rate as oak or willow leaves.
Tia Matthews, Fashion Business Director at Saga Furs, considers research to be a turning point for customers' perception of sustainable fashion:
"In the past, artificial fur has been promoted as a natural alternative to natural fur, but now we know that it is actually very polluting. Anyone who supports artificial fur should consider the long-term impact of wearing plastic petroleum products that will remain in landfills for decades, and natural fur will begin to biodegrade in a few days. "
The study showed that natural fur samples are biodegradable when microorganisms consume carbon inside the fur. However, artificial fur did not show biodegradation due to the composition of synthetic fibers, which are known to eventually disintegrate into smaller pieces, creating micro-plastic fibers that contribute to plastic contamination.
The photo shows the remains of artificial fur (left side) and natural fur (right side) after laying underground for 1 year. The natural fur has almost disappeared.
Think about it because when you buy plastic fur ...
Sooner or later it will end up in the ocean ...
Prevent this by educating, understanding and sharing the truth. Only natural products can save our world.
For more information, please visit www.wearefur.com
Source: sagafurs.com
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